Collection: Martin Hyde


I question what the (real) world is: is it the one of night-time and dreams, or rather that of the waking state? It’s materialized into odd juxtapositions of disparate objects.

The starting point of my work, my images, my thoughts don’t actually come from an artistic context, but rather originally from illustrative material. This means catalogues, random online stuff and junk mail in addition to charts taken from scientific encyclopedias dealing with the subjects of botany, zoology, porn, architecture, mechanics. My technique is the systematic exploitation of the “accidentally” or artificially provoked encounter of two or more foreign realities on a seemingly incongruous level, and the spark of poetry that leaps across the gap as these two realities are brought together.

I would like for my artistic vision, along with my humour and verve to stimulate the visceral and prod the intellect. My work is about getting away from the everyday.


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  • Hamburger Bowl, SOLD


  • Mermaid Bowl Ed. 1/15, SOLD

  • snakes and bladders, SOLD